/* */ Beulah Bee

September 10, 2017

Beyond Measure

Mother Nature is reminding us, once again, how important family and friends are and that we must watch out for one another especially during the hard times.

The tag was made with Sideshow stamp, Chatter design tape, Distress Oxide inks, and Correspondence paper stash.

I'm linking to the Monday challenge blog at Simon Says Stamp where they are celebrating Stamptember and this week's theme is Stamp It.

September 04, 2017

Deacon Blues

A two-page (large Dylusions) journal page to share with you today, made on a badly needed day off appropriately called Labor Day (a national holiday here in the States).

While working, I listened to a band I haven't tuned into for many years, these songs of my youth, my oldies but goodies; they are called Steely Dan.

Click on Photo for Larger, Lightbox View

The page was made with paper scraps and stamped tissue paper, some Paper Dolls, and a cut-out from the Wallflower paper stash.

This is the day of the expanding man
That shape is my shade
There where I used to stand
It seems like only yesterday
I gazed through the glass
At ramblers, wild gamblers
That's all in the past

Rest in peace, Walter Becker, this journal page is for you.

August 25, 2017


This is an artist trading card (ATC) and it's the size of a standard playing card. It was made (along with three others) for this week's theme at Simon's Monday Challenge Blog.

I'd never made an ATC before but it's not much different than a tag size-wise and I like working small. Mine became a series rather naturally as a result of using a group photo fussy-cut from a book.

Below is a view of the four of them together but you'll have to open the light-box view (just click on the photo) to get the full effect.

Here's what the original photo looked like before I began to assemble the collages. The children (students) were all lined up in front of their rather impressive school building.

It was my intention to use materials/design elements that best reflect my current style: The fussy-cut figures, Distress Ink stains, stamped tissue paper, Remnant Rubs (Gilded Accents), postage stamps, polka dots (washi tape) and machine stitching.

The children's manner of dress (some without shoes), the mix of age groups and their expressions (perhaps being photographed for the very first time?) are all very endearing and illustrate perfectly why I like working with vintage photos so very much.